Friday, 26 June 2015

What is the importance of Private Dance Lessons?

Many times while taking group dancing lessons, you might feel like you aren’t doing it as well as the teacher but you can’t figure out why. The truth is no matter how much the instructor tries, he cannot give each student his undivided attention when he is teaching a whole class. That is where the role of private dance lessons walks in. It is ideal to take private lessons after you have taken a few group lessons and are familiarised with the basics.

Once you take two to three weeks of group lessons, you will easily find out what are the questions you have, what steps you are taking wrong etc. Sometimes you might feel embarrassed to ask all your questions in the group session due to the lack of time, opportunity or embarrassment. Save these questions for your private dancing lessons where you can have all the attention of the instructor and make the best of it.

Call MarShere Dance Studios to book your first session immediately!

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Activities that help kid’s emotional, mental and physical growth

Raising kids today is a challenge in itself. Kids are evolving with every generation. Kids today are born with technologically advanced skills and are smart and bright. It is important to nurture their talents at the right time to develop their brains in the right manner. Certain activities help children develop better physically and psychologically. Here are a few activities you should definitely make sure your kid is involved in!
  • Kids Dance Classes : experts say dancing lessons help kids develop both their mental and physical skills. It is a great form of exercise that helps build muscle strength and increases balance and co ordination. It also improves socialisation skills among children as they are put in a social circle and made to cooperate.
  • Art: let your kids express in any way they like. They can learn to draw, sketch, sing, math or almost anything else! The idea is to allow them to build on every little interest they express.
Visit and enrol for the most fun exciting dance classes today!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Why do experts recommend Dance Lessons for Kids?

Children require both physical as well as mental activities to simulate physical and mental growth. Some activities such as scrabble, building games, etc offer them mental simulation. Other activities like sports offer them physical simulation. Is there a way you can offer them both with one activity? You surely can with Dance Lessons for Kids. How does dancing help children you must wonder? Let’s take a look.
  • Dance is a great form of exercise for kids. Studies show that children with more physical activities are much less prone to diseases and obesity at later stages in their lives.
  • Dancing in groups also improve socialization skills among children as they learn to coordinate with other kids.
  • Dance Lessons for Children increases their memory as they are required to remember the steps of the dance numbers.
  • It also increases their muscle building and sense of balance.
Visit and enroll your kids for the best dancing lessons around!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

What to wear for salsa dance lessons?

Beginners often worry about what to wear in their first ballroom dance lessons. After all, what you wear has a huge impact on your moves on the dance floor. Attire, shoes, hair, etc can all either boost your dancing experience or complete ruin it if they aren’t in sync with the dancing style. Let us look at a few tips to dress properly for your salsa dance classes.
  • Starting with the dress, women must wear skirts that are free flowing and do not restrict their movement. Tight skirts and miniskirts can be restrictive. Similarly for men, comfortable shirts and trousers are acceptable.
  • Shoes are the most important part of any dance session. Therefore make sure you wear shoes that are comfortable and secure your feet. They must allow you to glide on the floor and should not grip on it too hard.
  • And lastly, since this involves a lot of close dancing, one must take care of personal hygiene and carry mints for extra precaution.
Visit and book your first class now!
Dance Classes Melbourne | Learning To Dance | Wedding Dance | Private Dance Lessons